Source code for pyflp.arrangement

# PyFLP - An FL Studio project file (.flp) parser
# Copyright (C) 2022 demberto
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
# <>.

"""Contains the types used by tracks and arrangements."""

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import sys
from typing import Any, Iterator, Optional, cast

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    from typing import Literal, TypedDict
    from typing_extensions import Literal, TypedDict

if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
    from typing import Unpack
    from typing_extensions import Unpack

import colour
import construct as c
import construct_typed as ct

from ._descriptors import EventProp, NestedProp, StdEnum, StructProp
from ._events import (
from ._models import (
from .channel import Channel, ChannelRack
from .exceptions import ModelNotFound, NoModelsFound
from .pattern import Pattern, Patterns
from .timemarker import TimeMarker, TimeMarkerID

__all__ = [

class PlaylistEvent(ListEventBase):
    STRUCT = c.Struct(
        "position" / c.Int32ul,  # 4
        "pattern_base" / c.Int16ul * "Always 20480",  # 6
        "item_index" / c.Int16ul,  # 8
        "length" / c.Int32ul,  # 12
        "track_rvidx" / c.Int16ul * "Stored reversed i.e. Track 1 would be 499",  # 14
        "group" / c.Int16ul,  # 16
        "_u1" / c.Bytes(2) * "Always (120, 0)",  # 18
        "item_flags" / c.Int16ul * "Always (64, 0)",  # 20
        "_u2" / c.Bytes(4) * "Always (64, 100, 128, 128)",  # 24
        "start_offset" / c.Float32l,  # 28
        "end_offset" / c.Float32l,  # 32
        "_u3" / c.If(c.this._params["new"], c.Bytes(28)) * "New in FL 21",  # 60
    SIZES = [32, 60]

    def __init__(self, id: EventEnum, data: bytes) -> None:
        super().__init__(id, data, new=not len(data) % 60)

[docs]@enum.unique class TrackMotion(ct.EnumBase): Stay = 0 OneShot = 1 MarchWrap = 2 MarchStay = 3 MarchStop = 4 Random = 5 ExclusiveRandom = 6
[docs]@enum.unique class TrackPress(ct.EnumBase): Retrigger = 0 HoldStop = 1 HoldMotion = 2 Latch = 3
[docs]@enum.unique class TrackSync(ct.EnumBase): Off = 0 QuarterBeat = 1 HalfBeat = 2 Beat = 3 TwoBeats = 4 FourBeats = 5 Auto = 6
class HeightAdapter(ct.Adapter[float, float, str, str]): def _decode(self, obj: float, *_: Any) -> str: return str(int(obj * 100)) + "%" def _encode(self, obj: str, *_: Any) -> float: return int(obj[:-1]) / 100 class TrackEvent(StructEventBase): STRUCT = c.Struct( "iid" / c.Optional(c.Int32ul), # 4 "color" / c.Optional(c.Int32ul), # 8 "icon" / c.Optional(c.Int32ul), # 12 "enabled" / c.Optional(c.Flag), # 13 "height" / c.Optional(HeightAdapter(c.Float32l)), # 17 "locked_height" / c.Optional(c.Int32sl), # 21 "content_locked" / c.Optional(c.Flag), # 22 "motion" / c.Optional(StdEnum[TrackMotion](c.Int32ul)), # 26 "press" / c.Optional(StdEnum[TrackPress](c.Int32ul)), # 30 "trigger_sync" / c.Optional(StdEnum[TrackSync](c.Int32ul)), # 34 "queued" / c.Optional(FourByteBool), # 38 "tolerant" / c.Optional(FourByteBool), # 42 "position_sync" / c.Optional(StdEnum[TrackSync](c.Int32ul)), # 46 "grouped" / c.Optional(c.Flag), # 47 "locked" / c.Optional(c.Flag), # 48 "_u1" / c.Optional(c.GreedyBytes), # * 66 as of 20.9.1 ).compile()
[docs]@enum.unique class ArrangementsID(EventEnum): TimeSigNum = (17, U8Event) TimeSigBeat = (18, U8Event) Current = (WORD + 36, U16Event) LoopPos = (DWORD + 24, U32Event) #: 1.3.8+
[docs]@enum.unique class ArrangementID(EventEnum): New = (WORD + 35, U16Event) # _PlaylistItem = DWORD + 1 Name = TEXT + 49 Playlist = (DATA + 25, PlaylistEvent)
[docs]@enum.unique class TrackID(EventEnum): Name = TEXT + 47 Data = (DATA + 30, TrackEvent)
[docs]class PLItemBase(ItemModel[PlaylistEvent], ModelReprMixin): group = StructProp[int]() """Returns 0 for no group, else a group number for clips in the same group.""" length = StructProp[int]() """PPQ-dependant quantity.""" muted = StructProp[bool]() """Whether muted / disabled in the playlist. *New in FL Studio v9.0.0*.""" @property def offsets(self) -> tuple[float, float]: """Returns a ``(start, end)`` offset tuple. An offset is the distance from the item's actual start or end. """ return (self["start_offset"], self["end_offset"]) @offsets.setter def offsets(self, value: tuple[float, float]) -> None: self["start_offset"], self["end_offset"] = value position = StructProp[int]() """PPQ-dependant quantity."""
[docs]class ChannelPLItem(PLItemBase, ModelReprMixin): """An audio clip or automation on the playlist of an arrangement. *New in FL Studio v2.0.1*. """ @property def channel(self) -> Channel: return self._kw["channel"] @channel.setter def channel(self, channel: Channel) -> None: self._kw["channel"] = channel self["item_index"] = channel.iid
[docs]class PatternPLItem(PLItemBase, ModelReprMixin): """A pattern block or clip on the playlist of an arrangement. *New in FL Studio v7.0.0*. """ @property def pattern(self) -> Pattern: return self._kw["pattern"] @pattern.setter def pattern(self, pattern: Pattern) -> None: self._kw["pattern"] = pattern self["item_index"] = pattern.iid + self["pattern_base"]
class _TrackColorProp(StructProp[colour.Color]): def _get(self, ev_or_ins: Any) -> colour.Color | None: value = cast(Optional[int], super()._get(ev_or_ins)) if value is not None: return ColorEvent.decode(bytearray(value.to_bytes(4, "little"))) def _set(self, ev_or_ins: Any, value: colour.Color) -> None: color_u32 = int.from_bytes(ColorEvent.encode(value), "little") super()._set(ev_or_ins, color_u32) # type: ignore class _TrackKW(TypedDict): items: list[PLItemBase]
[docs]class Track(EventModel, ModelCollection[PLItemBase]): """Represents a track in an arrangement on which playlist items are arranged. ![]( """ def __init__(self, events: EventTree, **kw: Unpack[_TrackKW]) -> None: super().__init__(events, **kw)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: int | slice | str): if isinstance(index, str): return NotImplemented return self._kw["items"][index]
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[PLItemBase]: """An iterator over :attr:`items`.""" yield from self._kw["items"]
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._kw["items"])
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Track(name={}, iid={self.iid}, {len(self)} items)" color = _TrackColorProp(TrackID.Data) """Defaults to #485156 (dark slate gray). ![]( Note: Unlike :attr:`Channel.color` and :attr:`Insert.color`, values below ``20`` for any color component (i.e red, green or blue) are NOT ignored by FL Studio. """ content_locked = StructProp[bool](TrackID.Data) """:guilabel:`Lock to content`, defaults to ``False``.""" enabled = StructProp[bool](TrackID.Data) """![](""" grouped = StructProp[bool](TrackID.Data) """Whether grouped with the track above (index - 1) or not. ![]( :guilabel:`&Group with above track` """ height = StructProp[str](TrackID.Data) """Track height in FL's interface. Linear. :guilabel:`&Size`.""" icon = StructProp[int](TrackID.Data) """Returns ``0`` if not set, else an internal icon ID. ![]( :guilabel:`Change icon` """ iid = StructProp[int](TrackID.Data) """An integer in the range of 1 to :attr:`Arrangements.max_tracks`.""" locked = StructProp[bool](TrackID.Data) """Whether the tracked is in a locked state. ![]( """ motion = StructProp[TrackMotion](TrackID.Data) """:guilabel:`&Performance settings`, defaults to :attr:`TrackMotion.Stay`.""" name = EventProp[str](TrackID.Name) """Returns a string or ``None`` if not set.""" position_sync = StructProp[TrackSync](TrackID.Data) """:guilabel:`&Performance settings`, defaults to :attr:`TrackSync.Off`.""" press = StructProp[TrackPress](TrackID.Data) """:guilabel:`&Performance settings`, defaults to :attr:`TrackPress.Retrigger`.""" tolerant = StructProp[bool](TrackID.Data) """:guilabel:`&Performance settings`, defaults to ``True``.""" trigger_sync = StructProp[TrackSync](TrackID.Data) """:guilabel:`&Performance settings`, defaults to :attr:`TrackSync.FourBeats`.""" queued = StructProp[bool](TrackID.Data) """:guilabel:`&Performance settings`, defaults to ``False``."""
class _ArrangementKW(TypedDict): channels: ChannelRack patterns: Patterns version: FLVersion
[docs]class Arrangement(EventModel): """Contains the timemarkers and tracks in an arrangement. ![]( *New in FL Studio v12.9.1*: Support for multiple arrangements. """ def __init__(self, events: EventTree, **kw: Unpack[_ArrangementKW]) -> None: super().__init__(events, **kw) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Arrangement(iid={}, name={}, {} timemarkers, {} tracks)".format( self.iid, repr(, len(tuple(self.timemarkers)), len(tuple(self.tracks)), ) iid = EventProp[int](ArrangementID.New) """A 1-based internal index.""" name = EventProp[str](ArrangementID.Name) """Name of the arrangement; defaults to **Arrangement**.""" @property def timemarkers(self) -> Iterator[TimeMarker]: yield from (TimeMarker(ed) for ed in*TimeMarkerID)) @property def tracks(self) -> Iterator[Track]: pl_evt = raw_items = None max_idx = 499 if self._kw["version"] >= FLVersion(12, 9, 1) else 198 channels = {channel.iid: channel for channel in self._kw["channels"]} patterns = {pattern.iid: pattern for pattern in self._kw["patterns"]} if ArrangementID.Playlist in pl_evt = cast(PlaylistEvent, raw_items = tuple(pl_evt) # Repeating this is quite slow for track_idx, ed in enumerate(, *TrackID)): items: list[PLItemBase] = [] for i, item in enumerate(raw_items or []): pl_evt = cast(PlaylistEvent, pl_evt) if max_idx - item["track_rvidx"] != track_idx: continue if item["item_index"] <= item["pattern_base"]: iid = item["item_index"] items.append(ChannelPLItem(item, i, pl_evt, channel=channels[iid])) else: num = item["item_index"] - item["pattern_base"] items.append(PatternPLItem(item, i, pl_evt, pattern=patterns[num])) yield Track(ed, items=items)
# TODO Find whether time is set to signature or division mode.
[docs]class TimeSignature(EventModel, ModelReprMixin): """![](""" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Global time signature: {self.num}/{self.beat}" num = EventProp[int](ArrangementsID.TimeSigNum) """Beats per bar in time division & numerator in time signature mode. | Min | Max | Default | |-----|-----|---------| | 1 | 16 | 4 | """ beat = EventProp[int](ArrangementsID.TimeSigBeat) """Steps per beat in time division & denominator in time signature mode. In time signature mode it can be 2, 4, 8 or 16 but in time division mode: | Min | Max | Default | |-----|-----|---------| | 1 | 16 | 4 | """
[docs]class Arrangements(EventModel, ModelCollection[Arrangement]): """Iterator over arrangements in the project and some related properties.""" def __init__(self, events: EventTree, **kw: Unpack[_ArrangementKW]) -> None: super().__init__(events, **kw)
[docs] @supports_slice # type: ignore def __getitem__(self, i: int | str | slice) -> Arrangement: """Returns an arrangement based either on its index or name. Args: i: The index of the arrangement in which they occur or :attr:`` of the arrangement to lookup for or a slice of indexes. Raises: ModelNotFound: An :class:`Arrangement` with the specifed name or index isn't found. """ for idx, arr in enumerate(self): if (isinstance(i, str) and i == or idx == i: return arr raise ModelNotFound(i)
# TODO Verify ArrangementsID.Current is the end # FL changed event ordering a lot, the latest being the most easiest to # parse; it contains ArrangementID.New event followed by TimeMarker events # followed by 500 TrackID events. TimeMarkers occured before new arrangement # event in initial versions of FL20, making them harder to group. # TODO This logic might not work on older versions of FL.
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Arrangement]: """Yields :class:`Arrangement` found in the project. Raises: NoModelsFound: When no arrangements are found. """ arrnew_occured = False def select(e: AnyEvent) -> bool | None: nonlocal arrnew_occured if == ArrangementID.New: if arrnew_occured: return False arrnew_occured = True if in (*ArrangementID, *TimeMarkerID, *TrackID): return True if == ArrangementsID.Current: return False # Yield out last arrangement yield from ( Arrangement(ed, **self._kw) for ed in, len(self)) )
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """The number of arrangements present in the project. Raises: NoModelsFound: When no arrangements are found. """ if ArrangementID.New not in raise NoModelsFound return
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{len(self)} arrangements" @property def current(self) -> Arrangement | None: """Currently selected arrangement (via FL's interface). Raises: ModelNotFound: When the underlying event value points to an invalid arrangement index. """ if ArrangementsID.Current in event = index: int = event.value try: return list(self)[index] except IndexError as exc: raise ModelNotFound(index) from exc loop_pos = EventProp[int](ArrangementsID.LoopPos) """Playlist loop start and end points, *New in FL Studio v1.3.8*. """ @property def max_tracks(self) -> Literal[500, 199]: return 500 if self._kw["version"] >= FLVersion(12, 9, 1) else 199 time_signature = NestedProp( TimeSignature, ArrangementsID.TimeSigNum, ArrangementsID.TimeSigBeat ) """Project time signature (also used by playlist). :menuselection:`Options --> &Project general settings --> Time settings` """