Developer Reference#

This page documents PyFLP’s internals which consists of pyflp._events, pyflp._descriptors and pyflp._models.

The content below assumes you have fairly good knowledge of the following:

  • OOP and descriptors, especially

  • Type annotations

  • Binary data types and streams


Contains implementations for various types of event data and its container.

These types serve as the backbone for model creation and simplify marshalling and unmarshalling.

If you have read Part I, you know how events use a TLV encoding scheme.


The type represents the event ID. A custom enum class (and a metaclass) supporting unknown IDs and member check using Python’s ... in ... syntax is used.

class pyflp._events._EventEnumMeta(cls, bases, classdict, *, boundary=None, _simple=False, **kwds)[source]#
class pyflp._events.EventEnum[source]#

IDs used by events.

Event values are stored as a tuple of event ID and its designated type. The types are used to serialise/deserialise events by the parser.

All event names prefixed with an underscore (_) are deprecated w.r.t to the latest version of FL Studio, to the best of my knowledge.


The length is a field prefixed for IDs in the range of 192-255. It is the size of value and is encoded as a VLQ128 (variable length quantity base-128).


Below are the list of classes PyFLP has, grouped w.r.t the ID range.

class pyflp._events.ByteEventBase(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

Base class of events used for storing 1 byte data.

class pyflp._events.U8Event(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

An event used for storing a 1 byte unsigned integer.

class pyflp._events.BoolEvent(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

An event used for storing a boolean.

class pyflp._events.I8Event(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

An event used for storing a 1 byte signed integer.

class pyflp._events.WordEventBase(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

Base class of events used for storing 2 byte data.

class pyflp._events.U16Event(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

An event used for storing a 2 byte unsigned integer.

class pyflp._events.I16Event(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

An event used for storing a 2 byte signed integer.

class pyflp._events.DWordEventBase(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

Base class of events used for storing 4 byte data.

class pyflp._events.U32Event(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

An event used for storing a 4 byte unsigned integer.

class pyflp._events.I32Event(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

An event used for storing a 4 byte signed integer.

class pyflp._events.ColorEvent(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

A 4 byte event which stores a color.

class pyflp._events.U16TupleEvent(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

An event used for storing a two-tuple of 2 byte unsigned integers.

class pyflp._events.VarintEventBase(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#
class pyflp._events.StrEventBase(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

Base class of events used for storing strings.

class pyflp._events.AsciiEvent(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#
class pyflp._events.UnicodeEvent(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#
class pyflp._events.DataEventBase(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#
class pyflp._events.UnknownDataEvent(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

Used for events whose structure is unknown as of yet.

class pyflp._events.StructEventBase(id: EventEnum, data: bytes)[source]#

Base class for events used for storing fixed size structured data.

Consists of a collection of POD types like int, bool, float, but not strings. Its size is determined by the event as well as FL version.

class pyflp._events.ListEventBase(id: EventEnum, data: bytes, **kwds: Any)[source]#

Base class for events storing an array of structured data.

Keyword args passed to :meth:`STRUCT.parse` & :meth:``.


class pyflp._events.EventTree(parent: pyflp._events.EventTree | None = None, init: Optional[Iterable[IndexedEvent]] = None)[source]#

Provides mutable “views” which propagate changes back to parents.

This tree is analogous to the hierarchy used by models.


Immediate ancestor / parent. Defaults to self.


Parent of all parent trees.

List of children.
__iter__() Iterator[EventBase[Any]][source]#
__len__() int[source]#
append(event: EventBase[Any]) None[source]#

Appends an event at its corresponding key’s list’s end.

count(id: EventEnum) int[source]#

Returns the count of the events with id.

divide(*args: ~typing.~P, **kwds: ~typing.~P)[source]#
first(id: EventEnum) EventBase[Any][source]#
get(*ids: EventEnum) Iterator[EventBase[Any]][source]#

Yields events whose ID is one of ids.

group(*args: ~typing.~P, **kwds: ~typing.~P)[source]#
property ids: frozenset[pyflp._events.EventEnum]#
property indexes: frozenset[int]#

Returns root indexes for all events in self.

insert(pos: int, e: EventBase[Any]) None[source]#

Inserts ev at pos in this and all parent trees.

pop(id: EventEnum, pos: int = 0) EventBase[Any][source]#

Pops the event with id at pos in self and all parents.

remove(id: EventEnum, pos: int = 0) None[source]#

Removes the event with id at pos in self and all parents.

separate(*args: ~typing.~P, **kwds: ~typing.~P)[source]#
subtree(select: Callable[[EventBase[Any]], bool | None]) EventTree[source]#

Returns a mutable view containing events for which select was True.


Always use this function to create a mutable view. Maintaining chilren and passing parent to a child are best done here.

subtrees(*args: ~typing.~P, **kwds: ~typing.~P)[source]#


Contains the ABCs used by model classes and some shared classes.

Implementing a model#

A look at the source code will definitely help, although these are a few points that must be kept in mind when Implementing a model:

  1. Does the model mimic the hierarchy exposed by FL Studio’s GUI?


    Browse through the hierarchies of subclasses to get a very good idea of this.

  2. Are __dunder__ methods provided by Python used whenever possible?

  3. Is either ModelReprMixin subclassed or __repr__ implemented?


Contains the descriptor and adaptor classes used by models and events.