Contributor’s Guide#

🤝 All contributions are welcome.


PyFLP adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. Please make sure you have read it and accept it before proceeding further.

⬇ The sections below are ordered roughly in the order one would follow.

Making a PR#


Format code with black

PyFLP use the black code style, format your code with it.

Clone the repo#

git clone

Create a branch#

git branch my_new_feature
git checkout my_new_feature

🌱 Create a virtual environment#

I prefer to use venv.

python -m venv venv

This will create a folder named venv in the current directory.

Now, activate the venv:


📌 Install dependencies#

Install all dev, user and docs dependencies.

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt -r docs/requirements.txt tox

vscode-icon VS Code integration#

I use VS Code for development. I have made certain changes to the workspace to suit my workflows and make life easier.

Python extension configuration#

To ease linting, enforce strict type checking and improve code quality, I have modified certain settings for the official Python / Pylance extension, so that you don’t need to manually configure it or encounter issues while committing. Check settings.json.


If you use Windows, I have made some shortcuts for common tasks. Check tasks.json.

pytest-icon Testing#

FL Studio comes with a handy feature 🚀 to export “presets” for various models like Channel, Insert and so on. This is used for isolating test results. A look 👀 at tests/assets directory shows what possible models and properties could be tested from a preset file. I have divided the tests such that they test a model or an individual property.

These presets have the same layout of a normal full FLP would use, but only the required events are kept. This might and has caused some problems while testing properties dependant on data passed from its parent 😔. For instance, an Insert gets version from Mixer which gets it from Project itself. This kind of dependency is not good in my opinion 😐, and I continue to look at ways to improve testing.

There also are models which cannot be exported into presets, notable being Pattern (although scores can be exported) and the entire pyflp.arrangement module. Currently, I have kept the testing for these in a common FLP.

✴️ Guidelines#

  1. Follow the naming scheme of the test functions, it generally follows the format of test_{model_collection} or test_{model}_{descriptor}.

  2. Create separate test assets, whenever possible.

📖 Docs#

Don’t forget to update the docs after you are done with a feature or a bug fix that affects the documentation.

✴️ Guidelines#

  1. 80 columns max, wherever possible. Don’t consider this for inlined links and tables.


    Don’t start a new sentence at the end of a line. Remember that it should be easily readable to you, first of all.

  2. 🌐 Inline links if they aren’t used twice in the same document.

  3. 📝 Should look clean enough in a simple text viewer as well.

  4. 💡 Use emojis if it conveys the meaning of the text next to it.

  5. ⚫⚪ Add images for both light and dark modes.

🛠 Sphinx configuration#

Sphinx is the tool I use for generating PyFLP’s docs. It comes with a handy plugin called sphinx-autodoc to automatically generate documentation for the code from Python docstrings.

One thing about it, however is that its primarily reStructuredText driven, while my docstrings are all in Github-flavored markdown. Luckily, Sphinx being powerful and extensible provides APIs to modify the docstrings that are sent to the sphinx-autodoc plugin.

Currently, the transformation is divided into these steps (in order):

  • ⤵ Replacing *New in FL Studio ...* with shields like these:
  • ➕ Adding the correct annotations for the descriptors.

  • ⤵ Converting GFM tables and images in the docstrings to reStructuredText.

  • ➖ Removing erroneous __init__ method signatures from enums and models.

  • ➕ Include “private” (obsolete) pyflp._events.EventEnum members.

  • ➕ Include model dunder methods like __len__, __iter__ etc.

Check for understanding how it is done.

🚧 Still to be documented#